Today, we come together to pray and sing, to seek out answers to our questions, guidance to our wanderings and peace in our troubled world. We gather at the table as brothers and sisters in the one family of God to dedicate ourselves to serving this amazing God. God´s AWE-INSPIRING forgiveness is demonstrated in today´s scripture by Jesus. And we echo the words of the demon-possessed man, “What have you - the divine and Almighty Holy One of God - have to do with us: the poor, the ordinary, the mentally and physically ill? What have you to do with us?” And that is the glory of Jesus, God Incarnate - fully human and fully divine. This Jesus who teaches us how to be human, gives us life and time and awe-inspiring opportunities to live in this world. May we who are learning how to be human remember the Awesome love of God in Jesus. May we who are interrupted, learn to see the other as one who deserves compassion. May we who are jaded be overcome with the wider of God’s creation. May we who are one in God’s family, pray for healing in this broken world

Á special Thank You to Davy Young for reading our scriptures, Jeanie Cooper and Bob Wilson for providing the music, and José Cueto for recording the service.

January 21, 2024: Today, we come together to sing the praises of God, to pray for guidance and to prepare for our journeys ahead. In our scripture from the gospel of John, we meet Philip and Nathanael, two ordinary guys who encountered Jesus and suddenly they began anew - their old lives were finished and they started over as disciples. Many thanks to Alan James for reading the scriptures, Sharon Rippon for leading our intercessions. and to Pastora Krista for recording the service.

Today we celebrate the new year by recommitting to our faith journey. Each of us is different; each one of us has been through our own individual challenges and blessings on life’s pathway, and our faith has grown and developed with those experiences. Today we have an opportunity to witness, through the baptism of Jesus, the dedication to love God and neighbour and to renew our commitment to follow his example. A special thank you to Brian Todd who read our Scriptures, Bob Wilson for the Intercessions, and José Cueto who recorded the service.

Today we are celebrating the feast of Epiphany. In the Spanish speaking world, this is a very important feast, in many ways even more important that Christmas itself. Epiphany challenges us to reconsider:

• who we might think of as not worthy or not as good as us.

• who we might feel prejudice against, even if we know it is illogical

• and to come up with ways how we, the Church, might reach out to them, invite them, include them for the sake of and through the love of Christ. So let us start the New Year with New Ways of Inclusiveness, Openness, and Love! A special thank you to Dot Colling who read our Scriptures, Gordon Newlands for writing the Intercessions and Bob Wilson for reading them, Uli Doerr our guest organist, and José Cueto who recorded the service.