30 July 2023. Today we examine the Lord’s Prayer and the instructions given by Jesus as to how we should pray - to ask to have daily sustenance and forgiveness, both for ourselves and for others. Thank you to Brian Todd for reading our Scriptures, to Gordon Newlands for the Intercessions and to José Cueto for recording the Service.

16 July 2023. When asked about the most important commandment, Jesus told us to love God with our hearts, minds, souls and bodies and to love our neighbour as we love ourselves. Today we think about the balance in loving ourselves, loving others and showing our love to God. Many thanks to Rick for reading the Scriptures today, to Sharon for the Intercessions and, as always, to José for recording the service.

23 July 2023. Today we gather to give thanks for all we’ve been given, to worship our Great God and to gain strength to face with determination the struggles to come. As we seek the Lord and His strength, let us prepare our hearts and minds for worship. Many thanks to Dot Colling for reading the Scriptures today, to Pastora Krista for the Intercessions and, as always, to José Cueto for recording the service.

July 9 2023. Today we pause to pray to God, to ask for guidance and direction, to ask for encouragement and strength to persevere through the struggles of life. Many thanks to Howard for reading the scriptures, to Pastora Jeanie for the Intercessions, and to José for recording the service.

July 2 2023. What does it mean to be “Christian”? Today we explore the challenges of following the instructions of Jesus Christ in the 21st century. But we must begin by pointing out that our definitions of being Christian will be different. Many thanks to Brian Todd for reading today’s scriptures, to Rick Boyle for the Intercessions and to José Cueto for recording the service.