Today we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord, as we witness the miracle of new life. May our eyes be opened to the miracles around us, the people God calls beloved and the wonders of the earth and her creatures, today and always.

So, friends, every day do something

that won’t compute. Love the Lord.

Love the world. Work for nothing.

Take all that you have and be poor.

Love someone who does not deserve it.”

“Practice resurrection.” (1)

Let us practice resurrection each day, showing the world the transformation in us, the evidence of the gift of Grace given on Easter. Let us too be transformed on this Easter morning, so that in celebration of the resurrection we may exclaim in word and in deed. "Christ is risen! He is risen indeed.”

(1) “Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front” from The Country of Marriage, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. 1973.

Congratulations to our new Elders Dot Colling and Davy Young!

A special Thank You to Colin Anderson for reading our scriptures, and Gordon Newlands for the intercessions, Pastora Krista for the wonderful Easter sermon, and José Cueto for recording the service.

17th March 2024.Today, we come together to seek the guidance and direction of God. On this fifth Sunday of Lent, let us seek you with our whole heart, and listen for our guidance to be the disciples you want us to be. We come together, knowing that God can change the stench of death into a fragrant perfume. We come together, knowing that God can transform strangers into family. We come together, knowing, although our time together may be limited, our connections remain beyond boundaries and borders, between the boundaries of life and death. For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven. May God bless this season and us in our seasons to come. A special Thank You to Gordon Newlands for reading our scriptures, and Pastora Krista for the intercessions, and for the affirmative and encouraging sermon, and José Cueto for recording the service.

10th March 2024:On this fourth Sunday of Lent, let us recognize the love we share with those who’ve mothered us as well as the Mothering God who loves us all. We are loved by God, by our mothers, by all those who have raised and supported us through the years. And it is up to us to share that love with others, with the children in our lives, whether they are our own or not. It is our duty to communicate by word and deed that God loves all the world. God makes a way for us to survive and through the life and example of Jesus Christ, we are healed. Let us go into the world to share the love of God, the love of our mothers and all who’ve “mothered” us with all we meet along our life-journeys. And may we offer the saving love to God to all the world. Now and Always. Amen. A special Thank You to Gordon Newlands for reading our scriptures, and Bob Wilson for the intercessions, Pastora Krista for the wonderful uplifting sermon, and José Cueto for recording the service.

Palm Sunday is the conclusion of the season of Lent. In our readings, songs and scripture we witness the last days of Jesus’ earthly life: We welcome him into Jerusalem with pomp and circumstance; we witness all that he endures through the trials and betrayal; we confront his death on the cross. As we accompany Jesus through his last days, may we do so honestly and reverently, so that we will be able to witness the glory of Easter with new eyes. In our Palm Sunday service we join all those who celebrate Jesus as our King, our Redeemer, the One who saves. Finally, after all that Jesus and the disciples have endured, Jesus reveals who he is - the Promised One - and the disciples and the followers of Jesus are able to celebrate Him in all his glory. Thanks to Howard Cook for reading our scriptures, Pastora Jeanie Cooper for leading the Intercessions and playing the organ for us, and to José Cueto for recording the service.

3rd March 2024.Today, on this third Sunday of Lent, we come together to pray for guidance as we walk our Lenten journeys. Turn us around and help us to repent our faults and failings as you lead us on this holy road. We lift up those people and situations that we hold in our heart. We lift them to God and we recognize the Holy Ground upon which we stand. May we recognize the presence of God, not in a single place or in a single action, but everyplace in everything we do, and we worship the New Temple built for us, Jesus the Christ in our midst. Amen A special Thank You to Brian Todd for reading our scriptures, and Rick Boyle for the intercessions, Pastora Krista for the wonderful uplifting sermon, and José Cueto for recording the service.